Past Exhibitions
George Inness: The Arkell Collection

June 6, 2014 - January 4, 2015

The exhibition features five landscapes from the permanent collection painted by George Inness between 1860 and 1882. These stunning works of art reveal the artist’s diverse painting methods and approaches during the middle of his career—from detailed depictions of nature to gestural brushwork and vague landscapes. His paintings, often referred to as Tonalist, were deeply influenced by the spiritual teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg.

George Inness (1825-1894)
The Rainbow, 1878
Oil on canvas
Ogden Pleissner

Watercolors and Oil Paintings from the Arkell Collection
February 15, 2014 - June 1, 2014

Ogden Minton Pleissner said that he could be called “a landscape painter, a painter of landscapes who also liked to hunt and fish.” He traveled out West, to Quebec, through New England and the South prepared with both fishing and sketching equipment. The Arkell collection includes both watercolors and oil paintings by this American artist who found success as an artist with his first solo show at Macbeth Gallery in 1933. Works in the Arkell collection date from 1936-1942 and depict diverse locations that include southern United States, Wyoming, Nebraska, and war time in the Aleutian Islands.

Ogden Pleissner (1905-1983)
“Cold Day in January”
Of Time and the Mohawk River

February 15, 2014 – June 1, 2014
The exhibition features painted, sketched and printed views of the Mohawk River and Erie Canal from the mid 18th through the 21st century.

S. George (active mid-1800s)
oil on canvas


The mission of the Arkell Museum at Canajoharie and the Canajoharie Library is to promote and celebrate the understanding and enjoyment of the arts and humanities in Canajoharie, the Mohawk Valley, and beyond. The Arkell Museum collects, preserves, researches and presents American Art and Mohawk Valley History, and promotes active participation in art and history related activities, to enhance knowledge, appreciation and personal exploration by all.

The Arkell Museum • 2 Erie Boulevard • Canajoharie, New York 13317 • 518 673 2314 •
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