Past Exhibitions
The Artist Revealed: Artist Portraits and Self-Portraits

from Syracuse University Art Galleries
March 1, 2015 - June 14, 2015

An artist’s portrait, like all good portraits, offers the viewer more than physical features. One sees the characteristics of the sitter that make that person a unique individual. All artists are involved with, or have a heightened interest in, creative pursuits which makes them interesting candidates for portrait subjects.

On the other hand, a self-portrait is an artist’s opportunity to make a statement. Traditional portraiture, especially commissioned ones, often came with expectations that the image be a favorable likeness of the sitter. Self-portraiture removed those restrictions enabling artists to be more experimental. This exhibition brings together fifty works in a variety of media that examine self-portraits and portraits of other artists. Included in the show are works by Milton Avery, Chuck Close, Leonard Baskin, Edward Steichen, Norman Rockwell, and Anders Zorn. Sitters include James McNeill Whistler, Thomas Eakins, Charlie Chaplin, C.S. Lewis, and Pablo Casals.

Chuck Close
Chuck Close, Alex 1992
SUART Galleries
From House Pets to Endangered Species: Prints and Drawings by Beth Van Hoesen

March 1, 2015 - June 17, 2015

This exhibition features Beth Van Hoesen’s creatures which include household pets, zoo animals, worms and salamanders. Beth stated “I started with pet rodents, farm animals, dogs and cats. Then came a few birds, then wild animals. I keep meeting new ones I like….” The works were selected from drawings, lithographs and etchings donated to the Arkell Museum from the E. Mark Adams and Beth Van Hoesen Trust.

Beth Van Hoesen "Maharani", 1981,Aquatint, etching
A View from the Shore: Winslow Homer's Impressions of the Coast

June 6, 2014 - August 24, 2014

This exhibition organized by the Syracuse University Art Gallereis highlights Homer’s fascination with coastal and nautical scenes as an illustrator and special correspondent for the American pictorial press. The images include early illustrations for periodicals including Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper and Harper’s Weekly ,as well as rare lithographs and large etchings made after Homer’s paintings. The exhibition defines Homer’s transition from an illustrator of the pre- and post war years through his travels abroad that mark his evolution to the pre-eminent American painter of the late 19th century.

This exhibition, curated by Andrew Saluti, Assistant Director of the SUArt Galleries, features forty-one original prints including wood engravings, lithographs, and etchings. The exhibition is drawn from the permanent collection of the Syracuse University Art Collection, and focuses on the illustrious career of Winslow Homer as a draftsman and printmaker.

Winslow Homer (1836-1910)
Flirting on the Seashore and on the Meadow, 1874
Courtesy of the Syracuse University Art Collection


The mission of the Arkell Museum at Canajoharie and the Canajoharie Library is to promote and celebrate the understanding and enjoyment of the arts and humanities in Canajoharie, the Mohawk Valley, and beyond. The Arkell Museum collects, preserves, researches and presents American Art and Mohawk Valley History, and promotes active participation in art and history related activities, to enhance knowledge, appreciation and personal exploration by all.

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